Published: September 2011

Essential elements of effective postal reform

Coalition: Consumer Postal Council

Consumer and policy groups call for five essential elements of effective postal reform.

Seven prominent policy leaders have endorsed five essential elements of effective postal reform, and outlined them in a letter to U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors Chairman Louis J. Giuliano.

The letter updates a prior statement issued in April 2005 by many of the same organizations. In each statement, the authors insist that, "Above all, effective reform must benefit the American people, not just extend the Service's longevity."

The group's five guiding principles emphasize cost control, protection for monopoly consumers, and financial transparency, while urging postal decisionmakers to consolidate facilities and avert unfair discounts for new business. These principles have evolved as a result of the Postal Service's urgent financial situation, changes implemented under the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006, and other developments.

The letter was signed by Ken McEldowney, Consumer Action; Jim Martin, 60 Plus; Chuck Muth, Citizen Outreach; Thomas Schatz, Citizens Against Government Waste; Michael Schuyler, Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation; Pete Sepp, National Taxpayers Union; and Don Soifer, Consumer Postal Council.

Don Soifer, Executive Director of the Consumer Postal Council, said, "It is essential that policymakers hear from postal consumers and taxpayers, whose best interests are often overlooked in postal policy proceedings, about the changes they consider most urgent."

The policy leaders' letter was circulated by the Consumer Postal Council. The Council, (, founded in May 2003, is dedicated to the interests of consumers of postal products and services and to preventing the government’s postal monopolies from being abused at consumers’ expense. The Council also publishes the Index of Postal Freedom, an information resource about the provision of postal services in different nations.

 Click here to read the letter.

Lead Organization

Consumer Postal Council

Other Organizations

Citizens Against Government Waste | 60 Plus | Citizen Outreach | Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation | National Taxpayers Union

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Consumer Postal Council

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